Sunday, 17 July 2016

It's nearly always worth it...

It was Clyde Stride weekend this weekend.  This 40mile run from Partick railway station in Glasgow to New Lanark was my first ultra in 2011 and I will never forget the sense of achievement when I finished, albeit second last and after most of the folk had gone home, packed up.  In 2012, I ran leg 4 of the relay with some work colleagues and the last 3 years we have taken part in a marshalling role.  I love watching the finishers come through the 'hole in the wall' it is extra special when they are first timers as it brings back happy memories of how it feels to achieve something bigger than you've ever done before.
The past 3 years we have stayed over on the Saturday night in the wee row Youth Hostel and had a fab post race party. It gives us all a chance to chill/unwind over a plate of Dave W's awesome chicken curry, socialise and stay up late!  Last night was no exception and after curry, much gin and giggles it was 1am before John and I headed up the stairs.  We had agreed that today's training would be a hill climb and he had suggested The Cobbler - I like this climb, but didn't fancy the drive home afterwards, so inspired by Ross and Norrie doing it twice yesterday(!!!) I suggested Ben Ledi which is a bit more local, therefore an easier drive home.
This morning we were a little sleepy and after a coffee and goodbyes to the others who were up and about, John and I headed towards Callander.  We stopped at Dobbies for breakfast - very good and great value - and at this point I was NOT feeling the love!  I wanted to go home to bed!
Thankfully John turned a deaf ear to my gentle whining and soon we were getting kitted up in the car park and off we went- straight up then up some more!  Two miles of continuous climbing before we reached the saddle where it was blowy but we still managed a wee jog.  After the first mile we were in the thick, wet cloud so visibility wasn't great and it just got foggier and drizzling until we reached the cross barely visible through the mist.  A wee bit more climbing and we were at the summit, we didn't hang about, just time for a few daft photos
The Top!
then it was about turn back the way we came.  I was a bit worried about this, as on the way up there were some stretches of scree and bog and I was happy enough climbing up but not looking forward to going down... I took my time but managed well, much better than I feared, I had no 'wobbles' I didn't slip and by the time I got into my stride, coped even on the bits where it was blowing a gale!  I was delighted when I got to the steps as I was able to come down them 'normally' and got a huge boost to my confidence and less pain in my leg!
We even managed to jog down once on the path proper and with a mile to go, we came back out of the cloud again and could see where we were going.  Wee trot back to the car and job done!  So, I too got the same sense of achievement as the folk yesterday even though I'd only gone 5.5miles (and climbed 2707 ft!) and it was definitely worth it!


  1. Good effort after a busy day and a late night! It's always worth it! X

  2. Great job and determination

  3. "only 5.5 miles" There is no need for comparisons. Glad you can run and celebrate with the body you have today, not the one you have had in the past, tomorrow is another new body to run with, let's see what surprises it has in store. Enjoy. xx
