Monday, 7 July 2014

On the way back...

I've not blogged for over 6 months.  Why? A number of reasons I guess, last December I had a bad fall and didn't realise at the time that I had fractured my fibula, that wasn't discovered until February, and although the leg healed fine, my head took a knock, not literally but this bit's too hard to explain.
I had to DNS the first three races I had booked for the beginning of the year and that just compounded the sense of not being able to do this anymore...
Thank goodness for my weight training which kept me sane and fit/strong.
In April we headed to Boston which was amazing, emotional and fantastic all at once, then to Big Sur for the marathon and a fantastic holiday meeting in person our amazing friends from California :-)  I had managed 10 runs with the longest being 10miles before the marathon, so to finish was the goal.  I did finish, I had a fab day out in the California sunshine, enjoying the amazing scenery.  Then we'd a couple of days in the mountains in the snow and sunshine followed by a few more days back in Berkley.  I managed another few 5kms and 7miles on the Dipsea Trail with John and Dave on our last day.  Still not able to get much proper training in, for a combination of reasons, stress at work, stress about needing to lose weight, stress at not running properly/well/consistently all took their toll and we headed off to Glenelg for the Dirty30 with more than a little nervousness on my part.  I survived even with 2 spectacular falls, so decided to keep my place on the start list for Great Glen Ultra, I had given withdrawing a lot of serious thought over the previous few months...
Long story short I finished GGU having had an amazing day out.  I learned a lot on Saturday, not least that provided you are healthy and have an underlying fitness, then as long as your head is in the 'right place' it's amazing what it can make your body do.
I will write about the Great Glen in more detail once I can sit for long enough in the one place without my legs twitching!!  However I am pretty chuffed that in 3 weeks I have raced over 100 hard, hilly miles :-)
To be continued...

1 comment :

  1. What a journey......looking forward to rest......
