Monday, 10 January 2011


Oh I really don't like Mondays :-) Thankfully there's only one a week but after a busy weekend it is always a struggle to get motivated on a dark Monday morning. Come summer it's much easier as it's bright and I have even been known to run 5miles before breakfast! Anyway, it's over now and it wasn't too painful.
I was much more tired today from yesterday's run in the snow than I should have been for the distance, but I know I'm still not completely clear of whatever horrid bugs took hold over the Christmas break so no run today. I did plan to go to the gym after work and was scheduled to do an interval session which sadly I really enjoy, however was so tired at the end of the day that I gave it a miss.
I am taking part in the 100Days Challenge and today is Day 10 so I did 30mins on the Wii Fit.

Tomorrow is the first day of a 1o week 3 times a week Bootcamp which I have signed up for, so that will count as tomorrow's input to the challenge... I am looking forward to taking part but am also slightly nervous of the unknown. Hopefully it will be fun as well as strenuous and will help to shift some of the weight I need to lose to help me run faster. Will let you know how it goes ;-)

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